The popular choice amongst travelers who are exploring or just passing through in Bangkok is taking Airport Rail Link Train from Suvarnabhumi Airport. Passengers can change their routes at Airport Rail Link Makkasan Station to access the MRT Metro Phetchaburi Station.

It is very convenient to transfer from Airport Rail Link Makkasan Station to MRT Phetchaburi Station.

Airport Rail Link Makkasan Station

Once you arrived at Airport Rail Link Makkasan Station, go down by escalator or elevator.

ARL Makkasan Station

Take an exit gate. You should head to Exit 2 of Makkasan Station.

ARL Makkasan Station

If you are not sure about the way, just follow the crowd because almost everyone who drops off at Airport Rail Link Makkasan Station will transfer to MRT Phetchaburi Station.

ARL Makkasan Station

However, make sure that you go to the right direction. You can do it by checking the layout of Airport Rail Link Makkasan Station.

Layout of Airport Rail Link Makkasan Station

Or by checking for the signs leading to MRT Phetchaburi Station.

skywalk connecting ARL Makkasan with MRT Phetchaburi

The signs leading to MRT Phetchaburi station are very clear and easily visible from the distance. They are all along the way so it would be difficult to get lost.

The signs leading to Phetchaburi station

There are a number of cafés at Makkasan Station so you can grab a cup of delicious and inexpensive coffee before heading to MRT Phetchaburi Station.

Layout of Airport Rail Link Makkasan Station

There's also a shop selling packed breakfast boxes on the way to MRT. If you are starting your day early and feeling hungry, look for "MorningEat".

Layout of Airport Rail Link Makkasan Station

There's also a money exchange booth at Makkasan Station. However, they open quite late and offer worse currency exchange rates than Super Rich Thailand so should be used only if you need money urgently.

Layout of Airport Rail Link Makkasan Station

There's also another way for getting Thai Currency at Airport Rail Link Makkasan Station as there are ATMs of 3 banks at the station.

Layout of Airport Rail Link Makkasan Station

There's also a lock box for storing your luggage if you wish to continue your trip in Bangkok light. Don't worry if it will be full, as there's a bigger one just at the end of the skywalk.

Skywalk between Makkasan and Phetchaburi

You have to take the 166-metre long skywalk connecting Airport Rail Link Makkasan station with MRT Phetchaburi station. It will only take about 5-8 minutes. 

skywalk connecting ARL Makkasan with MRT Phetchaburi

At the end of the skywalk, just before the entrance to MRT Phetchaburi Station, you will find one more café and a big self service storage for leaving your luggage.

Layout of Airport Rail Link Makkasan Station

MRT Phetchaburi Station

If you're connecting in the opposite way from MRT Metro Phetchaburi Station to Airport Rail Link Makkasan Station, leave MRT station through Exit 1. The skyway to Airport Rail Link will be on your left when you get out from MRT station to the street.

Layout of Airport Rail Link Makkasan Station 


For more detailed information about using Airport Rail Link and MRT in Bangkok check:

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